
My Weight Loss Journey Week 1

I am super excited because for the first time in a long time weight loss seems possible.  I signed up for exercise classes at school.  I can take Spinning, Yoga, Pilate's, Zumba, Belly Dancing, etc....the possibilities are pretty much endless.  Plus I get free access to the gym and all of the machines and the indoor track anytime I want.  Then today I signed up to meet with a dietitian at the low cost of 15 dollars for 3 visits, plus I also signed up to meet with a trainer that will help me figure out the best exercise plan for me.  This week I have already worked out twice and plan on going to the gym at least 2 more times this week.  So I really feel like I have found a manageable way to get in shape.  Each week I will keep everyone updated on how this is going, and I hope to report wonderful success in the future.  For now here is a picture of me at the beginning of the journey. 
I am the one on the left.  This is me and my sister at Christmas.


100 things that make me happy

Happiness is a choice. To start out the new year I am going to look at all the things that make me happy. I am going start the new year on a happy note.

1. Knowing that I am changing for the better.
2. Being able to support myself, and being independent.
3. Having dreams that I can make come true.
4. My family.
5. My heavenly father.
6. Playing with my niece.
7. Going to Unity Musical Festival each year.
8. Walking the boardwalk in the summer.
9. Warm sweaters in the winter.
10. Watching funny movies and getting a good laugh.
11. Going to coffee with friends.
12. Shopping, Shopping, Shopping.
13. Cuddling with my cats.
14. Christmas.
15. Christian Rock Music
16. Driving and listening to the radio.
17. Swimming in lake Michigan.
18. Decorating my apartment.
19. A good bonfire.
20. A good book that keeps me captivated.
21. Painting ceramics.
22. Crocheting gifts for others.
23. Watching my favorite shows.
24. Singing my favorite songs.
25. Taking a shower and putting on my beauty products.
26. Sleep.
27. Candles that smell good.
28. A good cup of tea.
29. Yard sailing in the summer.
30. Playing games on the Internet.
31. Writing my blog.
32. Surfing facebook.
33. Taking pictures and sharing them with others.
34. Knowing that no one is worried about me.
35. Painting my nails.
36. Hair bows.
37. Jewelry.
38. Playing my Wii.
39. Chocolate, need I say more.
40. A cup of gourmet coffee.
41. Christmas trees all lighted up.
42. Dreaming of going to Europe.
43. Spending time with my mom.
44. Going to the movies with my best friend.
45. Fourth of July fireworks.
46. Popcorn
47. My Ipod.
48. fancy scarfs and eyeshadow
49. Harry Potter books and movies.
50. Twilight book and movies.
51. Putting my feet in warm sand.
52. Waterfalls.
53. Traveling.
54. Camping
55. Crafts.
56. Getting a foot massage or manicure with my Grandma.
57. Getting my hair done.
58. Tanning.
59. Netflix.
60. Looking at old pictures.
61. Playing games with friends and family.
62. Lugging.
63. Sledding.
64. Hiking and Mountain climbing.
65. Going to the zoo.
66. New York City and Chicago.
67. Going to Saugutuck in the summer.
68. Halloween.
69. Staying up late.
70. Baking cookies.
71. Sitting at the end of the pier.
72. Doing service work.
73. Seeing my relatives that live out of the state.
74. Playing with puppies.
75. Vacation
76. Going to bargain stores.
77. Collecting purses.
78. Massages.
79. Foot baths.
80. Hot tubs and saunas.
81. The colors pink and green.
82. Watching music videos.
83. The woods in the summer.
84. Dreaming of going to Europe.
85. Being a student.
86. Reconnecting with old friends.
87. Wrapping presents for Christmas.
88. The day after Thanksgiving sales.
89. Salads.
90. Recovery.
91. Listening to the Psalms on CD.
92. Listening to hypnosis CD.
93. Burning incense.
94. Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!
95. Chinese all you can eat buffets
96. Roller coasters
97. Talking on the phone.
98. Jokes and funny things.
99. Prophesy books.
100. My relationship with Jesus


Thank you God For,
Helping me get into GVSU, and for a successful first semester.
For all of the support of my family and friends in my new endeavors.
For the promotion at work and the pay raise when I became an Optician.
For my new apartment in Allendale.
For the new friends that I have met in 2011.
For the raise in my disability.
For a car that has been reliable so far.
For my vacation and all of the fun that I had in Frankenmuth.
For my health.
For Unity this summer.
For helping me stay away from alcohol and cigarettes for another year.

There's so much gratitude in my heart this year.  It has been a good year for me, and I have faith that 2012 will be wonderful too.  My faith has grown so much this year and I know that you are always with me, ready to carry me if I get weak.  I know that there is nothing that God can not make good for me.  I am pressing forward and I know that I never want to go back to what things were like before.  Every day has a wealth of new blessings and new lessons.  I can not deny that you are with me, every step.  My new years resolution is a promise to my God that I will make my health my first priority in every area.  This year I am focused on losing weight, getting in shape.  Thank you God because I know that with your help I will realize this dream.


Christmas Approaching

Happy Holidays to all my readers!
Its been a wonderful and joyful year and I am so looking forward to Christmas and all the festivities!
I am glad to have finished my first semester at Grand Valley State University, and after all of the hard work I can say that it has paid off because it looks like I got all A's and B's this first semester.  Even in math which was a hard spot for me.. 
Now I am just going to relax and enjoy a few weeks of rest and fun before I have to start it all over again in January.  Hopefully, next year will be as successful for me as this year was.  I know that God has been working a new work in my life and making me into the person that he intended for me to be and I am so grateful for that.  I think this new year I am going to try to get into physical shape.  I am going to utilize the gym access that I have at the school and see if I can't adopt a healthier way of life.  We'll see where that takes me.  I know that WITH CHRIST ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!
Oh and in closing Milo and Zoey also want to say Merry Christmas!


In The Home Stretch

Wow, I can not believe that it is Thanksgiving Break already.  It seems like this semester flew by soo fast.  I am grateful for a couple of days to sit and relax, and just enjoy some me time.  I have not had an official day off since Labor Day so I am enjoying a couple of days without any cares.
I am so glad that this semester is coming to a close.  I am also glad that I have done pretty good in my classes.  I expect to get all A's and B's.  I think that is pretty good for my first semester back in school for quite some time.  I have to say it took some getting used to and at times I was a little stressed by all of the work.  But now I feel like I have adjusted to it and am back in the swing of studying. 
So, I have not had a lot of time to update this blog for obvious reasons but I just wanted to write a short blog and fill everyone in on how the first semester went.  I am looking forward to Christmas break.  I may even be taking a trip to Frakenmuth for Christmas with my parents, and to Caro, Mi to see my sister and brother in law.  Then Winter semester starts.  That's a little exciting too because my best friend starts at Grand Valley this winter so he will be at the same school, which, I think will be pretty cool! 
The most awesome part of fall semester is that I am probably going to get a B in Algebra.  I am not that great at math so this really makes me happy.  Especially since I flat out failed the first test in this class.  I would say that I really turned things around in this class.  Now I just hope that I do just as well next semester in Statistics.  From what I have heard Statistics is supposed to be easier than Algebra.  One can hope!
So I will end with this.  None of this would have been possible without the help of my savior and friend Jesus.  I prayed before each and every test for a good grade, and I believe that he helped me through each one.  I am learning in this experience that I need to walk closer to him everyday, and to lean more heavily on him.  Without him I am not capable of success, but with him I am capable of anything.  This is a truth that I grasp at deeper levels all the time. 


My First Month

So far everything has been going pretty good with school. Though I have got to say most days I am tired!!! This is definetly a different life that I am living now. I have gone from just working a part time job, to always going every moment of the day, from 7 am to 10pm and then going to bed and starting over the next day. My last true day off from both work and school, where I did not have to attend class or go to my job, was 16 days ago. I did take a partial day off yesterday to go to the mall, (I needed to do that for my sanity), but then last evening I had to study, study, study.
I have had a lot of positive experiences also in the last 16 days. I found a new group to join on campus called the Sisters of Strength, which is a womens faith group. They meet weekly for bible study, extra fun stuff like spa nights, and some community outreach projects. I really enjoyed meeting the girls in this group and I think this is going to be an awesome opportunity to meet people and make new freinds. I am also happy with myself because in new situations like these I tend towards shyness and I have done the opposite since moving to Allendale. I have pushed myself to meet new people and try new things. I found an awesome womens Alcoholics Anonyous meeting on campus that I love. I have been meeting new people and I am so proud that I have pushed my self beyond my comfort levels.
This 4th week of school happens to be test week and it seems like I am getting the first test in most of my classes. Yippeeee! (ummm not) With two behind me and one two go I am mostly optimistic. I did fairly well on my Developmental Psychology exam. I got a B which at first I was dissapointed with. Then I found out the next day that I ranked at the high end of the class, when I attended class. So I quess I will be ok with getting a B. I feel as though I am going to have to surrender some of my perfectionism fast because I have a feeling I am going to be seeing a lot of B's. Something tells me that this is just a tad bit harder than Muskegon Community College was. So I quess I am going to have to learn how to accept what I can achieve as apposed to what I think I should have achieved.

So that pretty much sums up my first month on campus. I will continue to keep everyone posted on my college experience!


My First 2 Weeks At GVSU!!!

OK, so I just finished my second week at Grand Valley State University and I am in full swing of studying and doing homework.  I have very little time for anything else, but I really am not complaining because this is really where I want to be and I am willing to put forth the effort to get what I want.  One thing that is a little exciting for me so far is that I am actually doing a little better than I thought that I was going to be doing in Algebra.  I have around a 90 percent so far between the first set of homework and quizzes.  Yay!  That was after hours of effort but at least I am getting it.  I am not good at math so I would be happy with a passing grade. 
So far I have not met a lot of people but this coming up Wednesday I will be going to my first meeting of Sisters of Strength which is a small faith based group for women.  I am hoping that will help me meet new women on campus.  I feel like some of the difficulty is my age.  I am 32 in a 20 yr old's world.  12 yrs can make a huge difference in this stage of life and maybe they feel like I can not relate to them.  I don't know but I am sure I will find my niche.  It will just take time.
I really love the campus.  I still have not run out of new things to explore.  There is so much stuff to occupy my free time with on campus from movies, all you can eat buffets, pool tables, play stations, nature trails, little gardens to sit in, and so much more.
All in all I am very happy with my college experience so far and I think this next 3 years will hold a lot of wonderful memories!


Moving Fun! So Much to be Done!

Ok its only a week before the big move and my life is officially in boxes.  I am gearing up to move to go to school.  I can't believe I start in a month.  Today my best freind and I went to where I will be living and just looked around the town so that he could get a better idea of where I will be and what we can do.  It was so much fun to show him my new life and to have him take an interest in it!  I feel blessed.
So now with the 32nd birthday just a few days away, moving 1 week away and Unity Music Festival 2 weeks away I have so much to look forward to.  Can't wait for the coming days!


The Plate Is Finished

The cupcake plate that I did on Mother's day is finished.  It took some time to post it but here it is.

It has been a while since I have been on here.  I have been really busy getting everything ready to start school fall semester at Grand Valley State University.  I got an apartment closer to the college in Allendale, Mi.  I am moving into my new apartment on August 1st.  So, there's a lot that I have to do between now and then.  I have to pack all of my stuff and get all of my stuff moved there.  I have to have everything transferred to Allendale.  This is such an exciting move.  I am so grateful to God every day for all of these blessings.  I will keep everyone updated.


Orientation and A New Apartment

Today was my orientation at Grand Valley State University.  It went very well.  I got my first two semesters classes sorted out and registered today and I am really happy with the classes that I choose.  I am also really happy with the advisor that the college placed me with.  She is very helpful, knowledgeable, and sweet and I believe that she will be able to point me in the right directions as far as my education is concerned.
After orientation my mother and I looked at apartments because I really want to move to Allendale.  This will make it much easier for me to get to classes if I do not have to drive so far.  Also, it will save on a lot of gas.  We went to a few places and then this apartment just literally fell into my hands and it is a dream.  It is the right price.  I don't have to have roommates.  I can have cats.  Its super close to the school, so close in fact,  that I could ride a bike if I had to or wanted to.  It has laundry facilities.  And the land lady seems extremely nice and very aware of who she rents to.  So I have decided to take this apartment and am putting the down payment down.  So its official I am moving to Allendale the first week of August.
I just can't believe how easy this process has been.  Everything is just falling into my hands and it is like God is kicking all the doors wide open.  I guess this was meant to be!  I am so thankful that I have this opportunity and I am so excited to start this new chapter in my life.