
Fancy Collar and Fingerless Gloves

I found this pattern out of Interweave Crochet Magazine.  It was very easy and fast to make.  However, it is not a cheap thing to make.  The buttons cost around sixteen dollars for this project.  For this reason alone I am probably not going to sell this one on Etsy.com.  However, if someone falls in love with this and wants it I can still make it, it just won't be very cheap.
 The other thing that I found difficult about this pattern was finding something to wear with it.  A black turtle neck would look good with this also.  However, I found it looks better with a shirt that has a pattern on it.  The shirt must have a collar on it so that there's no skin showing.
Overall, this was still a fun project to make and I might even make the gloves in blue sometime when I get the money for more buttons.


Ipod Cozy

 Here are the Ipod cozies that I just created.  Another thing that I will be selling on Etsy.com soon.  I am just trying to get a few things made before I open an account.  If you would like one of these they are $8 plus shipping and handling.  They are for an Ipod touch or an Iphone.  They were really easy to make and only took me about an hour.  I am going to make a few more in different color variations.  The one on the bottom was the first one that I made and the one on the top is the second one that I made.  The finished project will look like the one on top, in the black.


The Sweater I Made

Here is the sweater that I crocheted for my niece Lilly for Christmas.  This is the first sweater that I have ever made.  I have never crocheted anything with sleeves up to this point.  It turned out very well and fit Lilly perfect, with room to grow in to.  I am so proud of this creation.  I have to say this is the one that I am most proud of up to this point.


Book Review; "What Good Is God?" by Philip Yancey

For those of you who want a good book to read I highly suggest this book.  It answers some tough questions about Christianity.  Philip Yancey goes to where there is the most pain in the world and finds God in those places.  Places like Virginia Tech, 9-11, Communist China, the Middle East, South Africa before it was integrated and after, India, Columbine, and into the depths of alcoholism and addiction and asks the question what difference does God make?  It is eye opening and thought provoking.  I definitely recommend this book.
Also, for all of my recovering friends there is a chapter in here about why Philip Yancey wants to be an alcoholic.  I thought that this was a really cool chapter.  Another reason to read this book!


New Chain Scarf

I just finished a chain scarf for a child or a teenager.  This is the first project that I am going to post on Etsy.com.  I am so proud of this scarf.  I just think it looks fun.  I am going to give my blog readers one week to purchase this scarf before I post it on Etsy.com.  I am selling this for 25 dollars plus shipping and handling.  I still need to go to the post office and figure out what shipping and handling costs will be.  However, if you live in the area you can always pick it up and then there won't be shipping and handling costs.  So today's date is January 5, 2011.  I will wait until January 12, 2011 before I post this on Etsy.  Email me at wishes399@live.com if you are interested. 


New Years Resolution

Have you ever managed to stick to a New Years Resolution?

Another Question from YouThink.com. Ask your own Question!

Just curious.  Last year my New years resolution was to quit smoking.  It took some time but now I have 5 months so you can say that I did it.  This year my New Years resolution is going to be to lose weight, and to spend more time in my Bible.  So far it is day 3 and I have stayed within my diet and I have read my Bible all three days.  Yay, maybe I will have another success.  Only time will tell.  What are some of your New Years resolutions?  Leave me a comment and tell me, I am curious!