
Winter Project for Charity

So this winter I have decided that I want to do something that is a little more meaningful than just sitting on my butt and wishing that it was warmer.  A year ago I was working as a director for a drop in center that helped people with severe mental illness.  Now I am a greeter at Walmart.  I really miss doing something that is meaningful and that makes a difference.  Even though my job is a lot let stressful and I am very grateful for that, it just does not have that level of satisfaction that I used to get out of going to work.  So I decided that the answer to this predicament is a project.  I am going to combine my love for crochet with my love for helping people out.  Warm Up America and Save the Children are asking people who can crochet to make baby hats for newborns and send them in before February 28, 2011.  One of the reasons newborns die in third world countries are illness due to not having their head covered properly. So I am going to try to make 1 baby hat a week between now and then and send it in.  So the goal is to make 21 baby caps between now and February 28th. 
I also would like to challenge my readers to come along with me on this journey.  You can visit this web site and either donate $10.00 to the cause, or you can make your own caps to send in.  http://www.goodgoes.org/caps Lets make a difference for some little boy or girl that is just trying to make it through the first year of their lives.  If you donate or decide to make a cap it it would be nice to hear from you through a comment.  Lets start something cool!

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