
100 things that make me happy

Happiness is a choice. To start out the new year I am going to look at all the things that make me happy. I am going start the new year on a happy note.

1. Knowing that I am changing for the better.
2. Being able to support myself, and being independent.
3. Having dreams that I can make come true.
4. My family.
5. My heavenly father.
6. Playing with my niece.
7. Going to Unity Musical Festival each year.
8. Walking the boardwalk in the summer.
9. Warm sweaters in the winter.
10. Watching funny movies and getting a good laugh.
11. Going to coffee with friends.
12. Shopping, Shopping, Shopping.
13. Cuddling with my cats.
14. Christmas.
15. Christian Rock Music
16. Driving and listening to the radio.
17. Swimming in lake Michigan.
18. Decorating my apartment.
19. A good bonfire.
20. A good book that keeps me captivated.
21. Painting ceramics.
22. Crocheting gifts for others.
23. Watching my favorite shows.
24. Singing my favorite songs.
25. Taking a shower and putting on my beauty products.
26. Sleep.
27. Candles that smell good.
28. A good cup of tea.
29. Yard sailing in the summer.
30. Playing games on the Internet.
31. Writing my blog.
32. Surfing facebook.
33. Taking pictures and sharing them with others.
34. Knowing that no one is worried about me.
35. Painting my nails.
36. Hair bows.
37. Jewelry.
38. Playing my Wii.
39. Chocolate, need I say more.
40. A cup of gourmet coffee.
41. Christmas trees all lighted up.
42. Dreaming of going to Europe.
43. Spending time with my mom.
44. Going to the movies with my best friend.
45. Fourth of July fireworks.
46. Popcorn
47. My Ipod.
48. fancy scarfs and eyeshadow
49. Harry Potter books and movies.
50. Twilight book and movies.
51. Putting my feet in warm sand.
52. Waterfalls.
53. Traveling.
54. Camping
55. Crafts.
56. Getting a foot massage or manicure with my Grandma.
57. Getting my hair done.
58. Tanning.
59. Netflix.
60. Looking at old pictures.
61. Playing games with friends and family.
62. Lugging.
63. Sledding.
64. Hiking and Mountain climbing.
65. Going to the zoo.
66. New York City and Chicago.
67. Going to Saugutuck in the summer.
68. Halloween.
69. Staying up late.
70. Baking cookies.
71. Sitting at the end of the pier.
72. Doing service work.
73. Seeing my relatives that live out of the state.
74. Playing with puppies.
75. Vacation
76. Going to bargain stores.
77. Collecting purses.
78. Massages.
79. Foot baths.
80. Hot tubs and saunas.
81. The colors pink and green.
82. Watching music videos.
83. The woods in the summer.
84. Dreaming of going to Europe.
85. Being a student.
86. Reconnecting with old friends.
87. Wrapping presents for Christmas.
88. The day after Thanksgiving sales.
89. Salads.
90. Recovery.
91. Listening to the Psalms on CD.
92. Listening to hypnosis CD.
93. Burning incense.
94. Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!
95. Chinese all you can eat buffets
96. Roller coasters
97. Talking on the phone.
98. Jokes and funny things.
99. Prophesy books.
100. My relationship with Jesus


Thank you God For,
Helping me get into GVSU, and for a successful first semester.
For all of the support of my family and friends in my new endeavors.
For the promotion at work and the pay raise when I became an Optician.
For my new apartment in Allendale.
For the new friends that I have met in 2011.
For the raise in my disability.
For a car that has been reliable so far.
For my vacation and all of the fun that I had in Frankenmuth.
For my health.
For Unity this summer.
For helping me stay away from alcohol and cigarettes for another year.

There's so much gratitude in my heart this year.  It has been a good year for me, and I have faith that 2012 will be wonderful too.  My faith has grown so much this year and I know that you are always with me, ready to carry me if I get weak.  I know that there is nothing that God can not make good for me.  I am pressing forward and I know that I never want to go back to what things were like before.  Every day has a wealth of new blessings and new lessons.  I can not deny that you are with me, every step.  My new years resolution is a promise to my God that I will make my health my first priority in every area.  This year I am focused on losing weight, getting in shape.  Thank you God because I know that with your help I will realize this dream.


Christmas Approaching

Happy Holidays to all my readers!
Its been a wonderful and joyful year and I am so looking forward to Christmas and all the festivities!
I am glad to have finished my first semester at Grand Valley State University, and after all of the hard work I can say that it has paid off because it looks like I got all A's and B's this first semester.  Even in math which was a hard spot for me.. 
Now I am just going to relax and enjoy a few weeks of rest and fun before I have to start it all over again in January.  Hopefully, next year will be as successful for me as this year was.  I know that God has been working a new work in my life and making me into the person that he intended for me to be and I am so grateful for that.  I think this new year I am going to try to get into physical shape.  I am going to utilize the gym access that I have at the school and see if I can't adopt a healthier way of life.  We'll see where that takes me.  I know that WITH CHRIST ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!
Oh and in closing Milo and Zoey also want to say Merry Christmas!


In The Home Stretch

Wow, I can not believe that it is Thanksgiving Break already.  It seems like this semester flew by soo fast.  I am grateful for a couple of days to sit and relax, and just enjoy some me time.  I have not had an official day off since Labor Day so I am enjoying a couple of days without any cares.
I am so glad that this semester is coming to a close.  I am also glad that I have done pretty good in my classes.  I expect to get all A's and B's.  I think that is pretty good for my first semester back in school for quite some time.  I have to say it took some getting used to and at times I was a little stressed by all of the work.  But now I feel like I have adjusted to it and am back in the swing of studying. 
So, I have not had a lot of time to update this blog for obvious reasons but I just wanted to write a short blog and fill everyone in on how the first semester went.  I am looking forward to Christmas break.  I may even be taking a trip to Frakenmuth for Christmas with my parents, and to Caro, Mi to see my sister and brother in law.  Then Winter semester starts.  That's a little exciting too because my best friend starts at Grand Valley this winter so he will be at the same school, which, I think will be pretty cool! 
The most awesome part of fall semester is that I am probably going to get a B in Algebra.  I am not that great at math so this really makes me happy.  Especially since I flat out failed the first test in this class.  I would say that I really turned things around in this class.  Now I just hope that I do just as well next semester in Statistics.  From what I have heard Statistics is supposed to be easier than Algebra.  One can hope!
So I will end with this.  None of this would have been possible without the help of my savior and friend Jesus.  I prayed before each and every test for a good grade, and I believe that he helped me through each one.  I am learning in this experience that I need to walk closer to him everyday, and to lean more heavily on him.  Without him I am not capable of success, but with him I am capable of anything.  This is a truth that I grasp at deeper levels all the time. 


My First Month

So far everything has been going pretty good with school. Though I have got to say most days I am tired!!! This is definetly a different life that I am living now. I have gone from just working a part time job, to always going every moment of the day, from 7 am to 10pm and then going to bed and starting over the next day. My last true day off from both work and school, where I did not have to attend class or go to my job, was 16 days ago. I did take a partial day off yesterday to go to the mall, (I needed to do that for my sanity), but then last evening I had to study, study, study.
I have had a lot of positive experiences also in the last 16 days. I found a new group to join on campus called the Sisters of Strength, which is a womens faith group. They meet weekly for bible study, extra fun stuff like spa nights, and some community outreach projects. I really enjoyed meeting the girls in this group and I think this is going to be an awesome opportunity to meet people and make new freinds. I am also happy with myself because in new situations like these I tend towards shyness and I have done the opposite since moving to Allendale. I have pushed myself to meet new people and try new things. I found an awesome womens Alcoholics Anonyous meeting on campus that I love. I have been meeting new people and I am so proud that I have pushed my self beyond my comfort levels.
This 4th week of school happens to be test week and it seems like I am getting the first test in most of my classes. Yippeeee! (ummm not) With two behind me and one two go I am mostly optimistic. I did fairly well on my Developmental Psychology exam. I got a B which at first I was dissapointed with. Then I found out the next day that I ranked at the high end of the class, when I attended class. So I quess I will be ok with getting a B. I feel as though I am going to have to surrender some of my perfectionism fast because I have a feeling I am going to be seeing a lot of B's. Something tells me that this is just a tad bit harder than Muskegon Community College was. So I quess I am going to have to learn how to accept what I can achieve as apposed to what I think I should have achieved.

So that pretty much sums up my first month on campus. I will continue to keep everyone posted on my college experience!


My First 2 Weeks At GVSU!!!

OK, so I just finished my second week at Grand Valley State University and I am in full swing of studying and doing homework.  I have very little time for anything else, but I really am not complaining because this is really where I want to be and I am willing to put forth the effort to get what I want.  One thing that is a little exciting for me so far is that I am actually doing a little better than I thought that I was going to be doing in Algebra.  I have around a 90 percent so far between the first set of homework and quizzes.  Yay!  That was after hours of effort but at least I am getting it.  I am not good at math so I would be happy with a passing grade. 
So far I have not met a lot of people but this coming up Wednesday I will be going to my first meeting of Sisters of Strength which is a small faith based group for women.  I am hoping that will help me meet new women on campus.  I feel like some of the difficulty is my age.  I am 32 in a 20 yr old's world.  12 yrs can make a huge difference in this stage of life and maybe they feel like I can not relate to them.  I don't know but I am sure I will find my niche.  It will just take time.
I really love the campus.  I still have not run out of new things to explore.  There is so much stuff to occupy my free time with on campus from movies, all you can eat buffets, pool tables, play stations, nature trails, little gardens to sit in, and so much more.
All in all I am very happy with my college experience so far and I think this next 3 years will hold a lot of wonderful memories!


Moving Fun! So Much to be Done!

Ok its only a week before the big move and my life is officially in boxes.  I am gearing up to move to go to school.  I can't believe I start in a month.  Today my best freind and I went to where I will be living and just looked around the town so that he could get a better idea of where I will be and what we can do.  It was so much fun to show him my new life and to have him take an interest in it!  I feel blessed.
So now with the 32nd birthday just a few days away, moving 1 week away and Unity Music Festival 2 weeks away I have so much to look forward to.  Can't wait for the coming days!


The Plate Is Finished

The cupcake plate that I did on Mother's day is finished.  It took some time to post it but here it is.

It has been a while since I have been on here.  I have been really busy getting everything ready to start school fall semester at Grand Valley State University.  I got an apartment closer to the college in Allendale, Mi.  I am moving into my new apartment on August 1st.  So, there's a lot that I have to do between now and then.  I have to pack all of my stuff and get all of my stuff moved there.  I have to have everything transferred to Allendale.  This is such an exciting move.  I am so grateful to God every day for all of these blessings.  I will keep everyone updated.


Orientation and A New Apartment

Today was my orientation at Grand Valley State University.  It went very well.  I got my first two semesters classes sorted out and registered today and I am really happy with the classes that I choose.  I am also really happy with the advisor that the college placed me with.  She is very helpful, knowledgeable, and sweet and I believe that she will be able to point me in the right directions as far as my education is concerned.
After orientation my mother and I looked at apartments because I really want to move to Allendale.  This will make it much easier for me to get to classes if I do not have to drive so far.  Also, it will save on a lot of gas.  We went to a few places and then this apartment just literally fell into my hands and it is a dream.  It is the right price.  I don't have to have roommates.  I can have cats.  Its super close to the school, so close in fact,  that I could ride a bike if I had to or wanted to.  It has laundry facilities.  And the land lady seems extremely nice and very aware of who she rents to.  So I have decided to take this apartment and am putting the down payment down.  So its official I am moving to Allendale the first week of August.
I just can't believe how easy this process has been.  Everything is just falling into my hands and it is like God is kicking all the doors wide open.  I guess this was meant to be!  I am so thankful that I have this opportunity and I am so excited to start this new chapter in my life.


Mothers Day at the Express Yourself Art Barn

On Mothers Day my mom and grandma and I went to the Express Yourself Art Barn in Douglas, Mi.  My mother and I have been here one other time and really love this place.  There is so much that you can do here.  You can paint ceramics, do wood projects, jewelry beading, glass work, and Mosaic tiles and much more.  We always do the ceramics but next time I go there I might try something new.  The prices are very reasonable and it is a cozy and creative environment.  My mom and dad and I are going to revisit next Sunday.  Here are some pictures from this adventure.

Grandma and mom woring on thier projects

Me doing my cupcake plate!

Grandma in the ceramics room

Mom at the barn entrance

Grandma and I sitting in the garden area


Funny Joke

Here is a very funny joke that I thought would make some people laugh.  I got it off the internet, however I do not know who wrote it so I can not credit anyone for this.  Just know I did not write this but I think it is hilarious.  So here it is:
The Love Story of Ralph and Edna
"Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
Ralph and Edna were both patients in a mental hospital. One day while they were walking past the hospital swimming pool. Ralph suddenly jumped into the deep end.
He sank to the bottom of the pool and stayed there.
Edna promptly jumped in to save him. She swam to the bottom and pulled him out. When the Head Nurse Director became aware of Edna's heroic act she immediately ordered her to be discharged from the hospital, as she now considered her to be mentally stable.

When she went to tell Edna the news she said, 'Edna, I have good news and bad news. The good news is you're being discharged, since you were able to rationally respond to a crisis by jumping in and saving the life of the person you love. I have concluded that your act displays sound mindedness.

The bad news is, Ralph hung himself in the bathroom with his bathrobe belt right after you saved him. I am so sorry, but he's dead.'

Edna replied, 'He didn't hang himself, I put him there to dry. How soon can I go home?'"


An Awesome Website on Forgiveness


The above link is an awesome web site on forgiveness.  This I think will prove helpful in learning to forgive.  I found this link at Jumping Java along with a card that had 9 steps to forgiveness.  I will put the 9 steps here on my blog.  These steps come directly from the above link.  This is by Dr Fred Luskin.

  1. Know exactly how you feel about what happened and be able to articulate what about the situation is not OK. Then, tell a trusted couple of people about your experience.
  2. Make a commitment to yourself to do what you have to do to feel better. Forgiveness is for you and not for anyone else.
  3. Forgiveness does not necessarily mean reconciliation with the person that hurt you, or condoning of their action. What you are after is to find peace. Forgiveness can be defined as the “peace and understanding that come from blaming that which has hurt you less, taking the life experience less personally, and changing your grievance story.”
  4. Get the right perspective on what is happening. Recognize that your primary distress is coming from the hurt feelings, thoughts and physical upset you are suffering now, not what offended you or hurt you two minutes – or ten years – ago. Forgiveness helps to heal those hurt feelings.
  5. At the moment you feel upset practice a simple stress management technique to soothe your body’s flight or fight response.
  6. Give up expecting things from other people, or your life, that they do not choose to give you. Recognize the “unenforceable rules” you have for your health or how you or other people must behave. Remind yourself that you can hope for health, love, peace and prosperity and work hard to get them.
  7. Put your energy into looking for another way to get your positive goals met than through the experience that has hurt you. Instead of mentally replaying your hurt seek out new ways to get what you want.
  8. Remember that a life well lived is your best revenge. Instead of focusing on your wounded feelings, and thereby giving the person who caused you pain power over you, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you. Forgiveness is about personal power.
  9. Amend your grievance story to remind you of the heroic choice to forgive.
By Dr Fred Luskin

This above mentioned website is awesome if anyone wants to check it out!


Bin Laden, Dead!

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Hate multiplies
hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction....The chain reaction
of evil--hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars--must be broken, or we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of

Martin Luther King, Jr., Strength To Love, 1963

I am grateful that Osama Bin Laden has been brought to justice and that we have one less terrorist in the world.  However, I am pretty alarmed at the rejoicing and celebrating in his death.  Even if he was our enemy, he is still a human being that has been killed.  I do not believe that we should let our hate bring us to celebration in any lost life, even Bin Laden's.  Remember that it is this kind of hate that caused the 9-11 attacks.  This is the same kind of hate that caused so many innocent lives to come to an end. 
Also, when hate brings us to a point where we celebrate the death of our enemies we are not obeying God.  God wants us to forgive our enemies and pray for those who persecute us.  He did not say to hate our enemies and celebrate their death.  This is what the word of God has to say about loving our enemies.

You have heard that it was said, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR, and hate your enemy,’ But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you in order that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax-gatherers do the same? And if you greet your brothers only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect (Matthew 5:38-48).

If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins. (NLT, Matthew 6:14-15)

I know it seems unjust and not right to say we should forgive a person that has caused so much harm, but isn't that exactly what Jesus calls those who belong to him to do.  We are supposed to take our cross up and follow Jesus.  In order to follow Jesus we must have the same kind of forgiveness that Jesus had when he called out from the cross,  "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34).   Lastly I will add that this kind of forgiveness is not cheap.  It is not to say that what happened was right, but that we will not return evil with evil.  This is not cheap grace, after all don't forget that it cost Jesus his life. 
Osama Bin Laden definitely had to die, but we do not have to celebrate over it.


Tour of Grand Valley

I went on a tour of my school today, and I got to see where I will be going in the fall.  Now I am really excited to start school.  The college is absolutely beautiful.  It is a lot better than I imagined.  I know that God is going to open so many doors in my life through my going to this college and I can't wait to see all the neat things that will come to be.

I also found out that I will be starting school as a sophomore instead of a freshman.  All of the classes that I took at Muskegon Community College are going to transfer.  Even the history class that I barely passed.  The guidance counselor showed me what I would have to do to get my degree and it is looking easier than I thought to get my degree.  Now I just have to wait until June 9th to schedule my classes and go to orientation. 

Here are some pictures of me outside of Student Services.  The clock tower is behind me.


This Matter of Forgiveness

"When you choose to forgive, you go from victim to saint in your own story. When you choose to forgive, it becomes your story, not the offenders story. When you choose to forgive, you are given the potential to transcend tragedy. When you choose to forgive, you are touched by evil, you are not defined by it." Brian Zahnd  in UNconditional pg. 108

It was Easter yesterday so I guess that is what is prompting this blog, but on a deeper level I have been really thinking about forgiveness a lot lately because of this book that I am reading and because I am really trying to live as a Christian ought to live.  More and more I am convinced that forgiveness is the very central idea of Christianity.  However, it is not just the forgiveness of my sins that I need to focus on.  Christ did not just come to die for my sins.  He also came so that we might follow him and learn to forgive others their sins also.  We are to forgive because he has forgiven us.  He showed us what forgiveness looks like so that we could give it away.  We can't keep this thing to ourselves.  So what does this mean for me?  Well, I think it means that I need to love those people that hate me.  I need to show mercy to the people that I would rather punish.  If someone hurts me I can not retaliate against them.  I need to love even when it hurts.  After all, isn't this what Jesus did for me.  I am sure it hurt a lot to die on a cross.  I am sure it hurt a lot to feel abandoned by God, betrayed by friends, and persecuted for sins that he did not even commit.  Thanks to him I will never suffer to that degree.  So can I love someone when they are unlovable?  Can I love someone when they act in evil ways?  I know I will have to try.  I call myself a Christian.  That is a Christ follower.   In order to be a Christ follower I have to forgive, there's just no way around this one.


The Puzzle Pieces Have Come Together

I have finally finished the puzzle that I started months ago, literally months ago.  Now I just have to get poster mounts and I can put in on my wall.  And just in time because Part 1 of Deathly Hallows is being released tomorrow.  Yay! 
What else have I been up to?  I am still working on that afghan.  Unfortunately I am only about a third done with it so far, but at least I have made progress on it.  It takes some time to do an afghan of that size.

In my personal life I have just been notified that I was accepted into Grand Valley State University for next fall.  Also, I was given so much in grants and loans that I actually have 3,000 more than what I need for the first year.  This is good because I have an old car and it will probably need repair at some point.  God has been so good to me!  Also, I received a promotion at work and now I am an optician instead of a door greeter.  That is a big pay difference, better hours, and a lot better job duties!

It is evident that God is working in my life.  My faith is growing everyday as I see that God is in the details of my life.  I never imagined that my life could be this good or that I could be in this place, and its just getting better.  I am so grateful!


A New Headband

Here is a headband that I made today.  I made it out of some fancy yarn that I had laying around.  It basically is made out of a simple single crochet throughout the entire thing.  It was very easy to make.  I think I am going to make another one but make it a little bit thinner.  I think this one was a tad bit to thick for my hair.  This would be a good band for straight hair.


Broken Girl by Matthew West

This song is extremely powerful. I just wanted to share it. If you have abuse issues please watch this video. I know the message in this video is very helpful.


The Serenity Prayer

Here is the full version of the serenity prayer and not just the short version that we use in AA.  I love the long version because I believe that it helps me to understand it better and it helps me to apply it to my life better.  So here it is:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next. Amen.
By Reinhold Niebuhr

What a beautiful prayer.  And how true!  I think what I like the best here is the reminder that even Jesus had to accept things and people as they were.  He had to accept sin, and the consequences of it.  And he accepted it to a greater degree than I ever will when he paid the price of my sin on the cross.  When I can remember that Jesus experienced the same things that I experience, and yet he did it without sin, it makes me hopeful that I can persevere through whatever circumstances life brings me today.  I know that in the end I will be with him, a God who has walked a mile in my shoes.  To me that is comforting! 


What's Going On?

So a lot has been keeping me busy recently.  I got a promotion at work.  I am no longer a people greeter.  I was moved to the Vision Center and given a $1.30 raise.  That puts me over $9.00 an hour.  This really is a big help, and a huge answer to prayers.  Now I just have to learn everything that they want me to learn for the job.  The manual that I was given is like 400 pages.  Plus I have to do some computer training.  I know I can do it though!  God would never put me in a position that I was not ready for. 

I also have been getting things ready to go to school.  I am trying to get into Grand Valley State University.  I sent in my application and the fee.  I also filled out the financial aid papers and scheduled a visit.  I requested that my transcripts be sent from my last college.  So I guess now I just wait to see if I am accepted as a student.  I sure how this door opens for me.

So I really feel like my life is in a forward motion and it feels so good.  Everyday I think about how far I have come from the days that I could not even hold down a job, and it just makes me so grateful for the life I have today.  Without recovery I would not even have a shell of the life that I have today.  Things have changed so much in 3 years.

I have not stopped crocheting but I am working on an afghan right now and those take a lot longer.  I will post the pictures when I have finished.  That could be a couple of weeks from now.  It is a long process for such a big project.

Now I just hope the weather gets warm so I can go outside and get in some extra exercise that I need for this diet.  I could really use a walk on the boardwalk.  Its just not the same thing to always exercise with the Wii.  The Wii is fun but I want to go outside.

Hope everyone is good, and ta ta until later!




Why did Jesus die on the cross? He died for my sin and for yours. The bible says that the wages of sin is death but that the gift of salvation is eternal life. The only way to get that gift is by accepting what Jesus did on the cross and inviting him into your life as your personal savior. John 3:16 says: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life." All we have to do is believe in Jesus. It is up to us to either believe or reject him.

I know that there are a lot of you out there who doubt the Bible and what it has to say. You have serious questions. You do not know how a loving God would send anyone to hell. The best way that I can answer this question is that a loving God would give you a choice on whether you want to love him or reject him. So many times in life we are upset by the lack of choices we have had. Who our parents are, where we were born, what school we went to, how rich or poor we were, etc. Well God is giving us an option on where we spend eternity. I think its loving to let us choose.

Another question is why doesn't he stop bad things from happening. Well, its like this. He gave people free will. He can not stop a murderer from murdering any faster than he can stop you from rejecting his love. In order to control what we do he would have to take our free will away. Also, he promised that he would turn every bad thing into something beautiful for those that love him. So it is a matter of faith. I know in my life some of the bad things that have happened have shaped and molded me into the person that I am today. If the bad things had not happened I would not be able to help others or experience life the way I do today.

One last question people ask is why do Christians act so badly. This is something that I often ask myself if I am being honest. I do know that Christian or not we are saved by grace and that apart from that we are no better then someone still in their sins. It is just as easy for a Christian to sin as it is for a non Christian. Unfortunately it only takes one bad apple to make the whole bunch look bad. But try to focus on the Christians that make a difference. People like Mother Teresa, Billy Graham, Steven Curtis Chapman, etc.

We are living in the end days.  Everyday a new natural disaster happens.  Wars are springing up all over the place.  I truly believe that it will not be long before the second coming of Jesus Christ.  And when that happens, and the church is raptured I have one question to ask you, "Will you be left behind?"  So if you think I am crazy and just talking crazy and foolish things I challenge you to really do your research.  Try to prove me wrong beyond a shadow of a doubt.  I know that you will not be able to.  But please try because it just may be the one thing that saves you.  But whatever you do don't just sit there any longer and do nothing.


Crochet Tutorial #1 Chain Stitch

So this is the first in a series of crochet videos that I am going to post on my blog.  I hope to help teach others how to crochet.  This video is how to do the chain stitch which is the very first thing that you should know in crochet.  Enjoy!

Not Going To Worry

Recently I feel like the world and the people that are in it have really been in a state of constant worry.  If you turn on the news, or even just talk to a group of people about gas prices, the middle east or heath insurance coverage you will get the same message that I am getting.  That message is that this world is going to hell and that we should all be scared out of our minds.  You can't get through the day without the message of fear creeping in, in someway.  I am not writing this to make people feel bad for be scared.  But I am writing this because I know there's no reason to be scared if you are a Christian.  I believe that the God that pinned my sins on a cross and has called me his, also safely holds me even while the world goes crazy around me.  What does the Bible say about worry.
  “Then Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?’” (Luke 12:22-26, NIV).   It is true.  Worry does nothing good for my life.  By worrying I have never prevented anything from happening.  In fact worry actually causes health problems.  Stress can lead to heart disease, anxiety disorders, and a multitude of other problems.  But can it prevent anything.  I have never prevented anything from happening by worrying about it.  However, I did waste precious time that I could have been spending doing God's will.  The Bible also says this about worry. 
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).
I cannot do anything about the gas prices, the middle east, the rising cost of living, the politicians in Washington, or even the people around me.  But I can do something about how I respond to it.  Jesus calls us as Christians to respond with faith instead of fear.  Let the world see that we are not scared.  Won't that send a message.  Maybe they will want what we have if we respond in faith to this rising fear.  Remember Jesus has already won this war.
One of the things that I notice about this verse is that I will have peace that transcends understanding.  What does that mean?  I think that means that I will have peace that makes no sense.  I will have peace when others are not in peace.  When it would make sense for me to worry and be fearful I will be peaceful instead.  And how do I get that kind of peace?  By praying to God instead of worrying. 


First Walk of the Spring

So my mom and I went and walked the boardwalk in Grand Haven for the first time on Paczki Day.  In all reality it was only like forty degrees outside but I think we are just so sick and tired of being cooped up inside that we just could not wait any longer.  Spring just seems so long over due.  Every year about this time I start to get spring fever and then I want to be outside and that is basically all I want for months.  I just really hate being inside all winter.  So here's is to hoping that in the next couple of weeks we will see warmer days yet.  It is March 10th today so just 10 short days and it will officially be the first day of Spring.  And it could not come faster!!!


35 Great Exercise Ideas

So as I have stated in earlier blogs I am on a diet.  I was thinking earlier about free ways that  I could exercise and that got me in research mode.  This is what I came up with.  I thought that I would share it here so that someone else might be able to benefit from it also.  So here's 35 somewhat cheap exercise ideas for the Lake shore area in Michigan:

1. Walk the boardwalk
2. Ride your bike on the bike trails in Spring Lake, Ferrysburg and Grand Haven
3. Buy a Wii and a Wii Fit and use it daily
4. Walk the Lakes Mall
5. Walk the trails at Hoffmaster State Park
6. Buy some roller blades and take them to the state park or the board walk
7. Join the YMCA
8. During the winter Ski and Luge at Muskegon State Park
9. Ski and Snowboard at Mulligans Hollow
10. Go to the closest park and play basketball with a Friend
11. Play tennis with a Friend
12. Yoga
13. Pilate's
14. Go swimming
15. Walk the beach
16. Beach volleyball
17. Running
18. Housework
19. Clean your car
20. Play with your kids
21. Jump rope
22. Buy a hula hoop and use it
23. Buy a dance video and learn the dance
24. Go shopping
25. Walk your dog
26. Sit ups
27. Strength training on machines
28. Join a baseball or softball team
29. Take the stairs instead of the elevator
30. Stair climbing
31. Play with the children, take them to the park
32. Yard work
33. Planks and Wall-sits, squats
34. Sprints at your local track
35. Chin-ups on a monkey bar


Why I Don't Go To Church

I have never written about this for the pure reason that I have not wanted to offend my other Christian friends but I think its time just to put it out there and be real about it.  There are some things about church and my fellow Christian brothers and sisters that really disturb and upset me.  It upsets me so much that I would just rather stay at home on Sunday than be around them.  I feel I get more out of the connections with my friends in AA than I do with my Christian brothers and sisters anyways. 

Here's the number one reason I stay home.  I find that other Christians are terribly judgemental of everyone.  If I remember from what I read in the Bible the most important commandment was to love God and then to love our neighbor.  This is what the Bible says:
One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most important?" "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." (NIV, Mark 12:28-31).
Also in 1 Corinthians 13 it says in verse 4-6 it tells us that love is not arrogant or boastful and that it is patient and that it hopes all things.  To me that sounds like the opposite of judging.  And then it goes on to say its the most important thing and that without it we are nothing!
Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; [2] it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
13 So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
Yet when I am around my Christian friends I find that they are terrible judgemental.  Have you ever noticed that when you walk into Church late everyone turns and looks at you.  I can guarantee they are not thinking how wonderful it is that you made it to church.  They are probably thinking something along the lines of how wonderful they are for making it to church on time when you couldn't.  When I am late for an AA meeting people are genuinely glad that I made it.  They even say you are never late for a meeting.  Its a shame I can't be accepted like that at church.
Also, there's this lady I work with.  She goes to church every Sunday.  She professes to love Jesus more than anything in the whole world.  Yet if someone comes in the door and they smell bad or are dressed bad I can guarantee you that she is the first person to talk about that person and how horrible it was for them to leave their house like that.  Well, excuse me I think its horrible for you to leave your house without the compassion of Christ.  Don't claim my saviors name if you are going to hurt people with your words.
Jesus came for sick people.  If we were well he would not have had to die.  Why is it when you go into a church everyone insists on acting like nothing is ever wrong in their lives.  You know that on the way to church in the car they were screaming at each other.  You can see the tear streams still etched on their face.  Yet when you ask how they are, they respond with life is wonderful and God is blessing us.  Don't lie.  Let your brothers and sisters in Christ help you.  That's why people go to drugs and alcohol to fix their problems instead of churches.  Churches don't seem like a place where sick people go.  To me that's sad.  That is exactly why Christ died on the cross.  To save the sick.  Not to be a resort club for the perfect.
I just wish there was a little less judging, a little more honesty, and a little more acceptance in the body of Christ today.  Do you want people to come to Christ.  You have to show them love first.  If you judge them first they will die before they come to Christ and they will die in their sins.  No one ever became a Christian because someone told them that they were scum.  You've got to show people love.  The Bible says they will know us because of our love.
"By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:35

I try to ask myself would someone be able to identify me as a Christian based on this statement.  

Not About Me

Wow, how fast I can forget that its not about me.  Today my blog was rising in popularity and I was really getting excited.  In just a few short hours I had gained 4 new members and none of these people were people I had ever met before.  I started thinking things like, "Wow, I must be a really good author," and "I must have a lot of important things to say."  How quick I forgot the real reason why these people joined my blog.  My last 2 posts were written about the grace and forgiveness of God.  These new followers came to my blog to see Jesus, not me.  They were not interested in how I said what I said, what interested them is what was being said.  And what was being said was that Jesus saves. 

My popularity grew because I was pointing to the cross.  I was saying look at God because he can help you.  And that is what I am going to continue to say.  Because I am starting to realise that when I am lifting my eyes towards Jesus and giving him the credit that is due him that is when life goes right.  Its all about him anyways.
1 Cor 10:31 "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

I am starting to realise that we have to move out of the way.  When I was a teenager there was this man at my church that did a lot to help me go to church camp.  I would always try to thank him and his wife and it would never fail.  Every time I attempted to thank him he would point up and say "thank God, not me."  That used to irritate me a lot that this man would not take my thanks.  Now I understand why he did that.  He was trying to get me to see Jesus.  He did not want to take the attention off from God.  He understood that if I was thanking him it was distracting me from looking at God.  He wanted me to gain a closer relationship with God.

I want to be like my friend.  I want to help get people closer to Jesus.  I don't ever want to distract someone from God.


How can God forgive such evil?

Nice question Joe? In my last post I wrote on the mercy of God and Joe commented on whether or not God could forgive evil to the degree of Hitler? I would argue that he can. Our human mind is incapable of this kind of forgiveness and that is probably why it is hard for us to understand this kind of forgiveness. It is hard to understand something that we can not do. I visited a web site that explains this forgiveness so well. The web site is http://www.str.org/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=5306

I especially liked this excerpt:
"This is the other lesson. Whether you have one billion sinners being forgiven of one sin, or one sinner being forgiven for a billion sins, it all amounts to the same thing--a billion sins. The work of the cross is such that it can forgive even the most egregious of sinners. The fact of Jeffrey Dahmer's forgiveness, if it is a fact, ought to teach us an entirely different lesson. Paul put it this way in I Timothy 1:15-16, "It is a trustworthy statement deserving full acceptance (in other words be confident of this), that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost of all. And yet for this reason I found mercy, in order than in me as the foremost, Jesus Christ might demonstrate his perfect patience as an example for those who would believe in him for eternal life." Paul says, Look, I am the biggest of sinners. I persecuted the church of God. I led people to their death because they were Christians. If God could forgive me, He could even forgive a Jeffrey Dahmer. He could even forgive a Greg Koukl. He could even forgive a Ken and John.

For those of you who are tempted to say, Listen I'm no Jeffrey Dahmer, my response is simply this: Maybe not, but you are no Jesus Christ either. You are more like Jeffrey Dahmer than you are like Jesus Christ. That's the comparison that ultimately will matter. If God can forgive Jeffrey, He can forgive you. And that is good news."

So can God forgive Hitler? Yes, if Hitler had wanted to be forgiven.


Your Beautiful

I love this video!  It got me thinking today some things today.  Wouldn't this world be different if we could let this one thought penetrate our minds.  What would change if we dared to really believe this about ourselves and about others?  If every person I met I looked at through God's eyes.  He loved each of us enough to die for us.  That street junkie with the needle in his arm is a treasure so precious to God that he gave his very life up for him.  The convict serving 20 years in jail for murder, God died for him too, and he did it knowing that the convict would murder.
What would change in my personal world if I just let myself believe this about myself and the people in my personal life.  Could I be more tolerant and loving towards my family and the others in my life.  Could I look past some of the things that irritate me a little easier?  How should we see ourselves and those around us.  The Bible is very clear about how precious we are to God.  We are so precious that he laid down his own life to save ours.  He paid for our sins long before we ever committed them.  If there is one message that he wants you to believe its this one.  If there is one thing he wants you to let affect you its this.  Will you?


Diet Challenge

I am going on a diet.  I have decided that this time I am going to stick to it and just really buckle down and loose the weight.  Starting tomorrow I am going to exercise 5 times a week and watch my carbs and sugars.  I just really feel that it is time to tackle this demon.  I even have a weight loss buddy to help encourage me along the way.  I really just want to be healthy and I know that I need to lose some weight in order to reach my full potential of health.  So my goal is to lose 10 pounds a month.  That is a realistic goal that is neither to small nor to big.  And by next year at this time I will be at my goal weight of 150 pounds. 

So I am also going to blog weekly on my progress in order to have some added accountability.  I am going to let you in on my ups and downs and let you know when I succeed.  So we start this journey together.  May this be a successful endeavor!

Here is my before picture!


New Hairdo and New Laptop

So I just got my hair permed yesterday.  I really like the way that it turned out.  It looks like a spiral perm even though the lady who permed it did not use a spiral wrap to perm my hair.  She used a regular wrap because of how short my hair is.  She also cut my hair before she permed it so that it would have a style once it was permed.  We went to "Amy's Hair Hide Away"  on M-104 in Spring Lake just passed Burger King.  The price to get my hair permed was quite reasonable, just $45, compared to other salons that wanted $85 and up.  I like the perm so much that I may just keep it this way for a while since it is so cheap!  Also, my mom and I went to Rivertown Crossing in Grandville, Mi for the day after I got my hair permed.  That was fun also since we never go to this mall and I basically didn't even know what stores were in the mall.  We ate at TGI Fridays and the food was fabulous, and then we shopped until our legs were tired.  It was a good day!  This was to celebrate me having six months without a cigarette.  So here are a few pictures of my new hairdo.

Also, this week I purchased a new laptop.  I love, love, love my new laptop.  It is HP's special edition Garden Dreams laptop that is only available at Walmart.  So what did I do with my old laptop you ask?  I gave it to my dad.  It was so cool to see the excitement on his face last night when he realized that he was getting a laptop.  I was overjoyed to be able to do that!  Now I can go to Jumping Java with my dad and hang out and play games with him on the Internet.  Which is what we are going to do next Saturday!
So here's a few pictures of my new laptop.

So that is what I have been up to the last couple of days.  I have not had a lot of time to crochet but I will get back into that very soon.  Hope you all are having a very good February and goodbye for now!


Where's the Goods?

So why am I being so slow to deliver you ask?  Well, for one I started a project and ripped it apart today because it just did not look right.  I was going to do a purse with the same blue material that I used in my last scarf.  However, the purse was turning out too large so I ripped it apart and now I am making a gloves and scarf set for a friend. 
Another reason that I am being so slow is that I have another project in the works and believe it or not its not a crochet project.  I am putting a puzzle together.  I don't know why just that I really liked this puzzle and it gives me time to think and listen to music.  So here's a picture of the puzzle I am working on. 
Also an exciting thing happened at our arts and craft table.  Joey finally got his art displayed at the coffee house that we go to.  I am so proud of him.  Here is a picture of his art that was displayed.
If you would like to see more of his art please feel free to visit his blog at http://joepainter.blogspot.com/  He is very talented, but a new blogger, and could use all the support from those in the blogging world.

"Having A Mary Heart In A Martha World" by Joanna Weaver

This is one of the books that I recently finished reading.  I really gained a lot of insight into my own life through reading this book.  Joanna Weaver really wrote a book which gets to the core of having a passion for God in a world where we are told that we must do, do, do.  This book explains that we aren't put here on earth to just complete one task after another.  We were put here for a relationship with God.  That is the one thing that matters.  That is our sole purpose.  While service and good works is important, it is important that we first find our rest in Christ.  We are meant to have intimacy with God and that starts with slowing down enough to spend some time with him.  This book helps show you how to do that.  I really love this book and found it very helpful.  I highly recommend this book to others!


Six Months Smoke Free

Wow, I can not believe that in less than twenty four hours I will be half a year smoke free.  I never thought that I would make it past the first week, let alone the first day.  Now I hardly ever even think about smoking, and when I do think about it, it is only a passing craving and nothing serious.  I really believe that I will never pick up another cigarette as long as I live now, and that feels fantastic!  I can say honestly I am a non smoker.  So here are some things that I enjoy most about being a non smoker.
1.  I can go into a restaurant or a movie and not worry about how long I will have to go without a cigarette.  I can just enjoy my time with whomever I am with and be fully present in the current situation.  Cravings do not ruin the fun that I am trying to have, or determine where I will go.

2.  I smell better.  I do not smell like a ashtray.

3.  I can smell other things better.  Can also be a curse sometimes though because I can smell smokers and they smell bad.  No offense if you smoke but I never realized how bad I smelled until I quit smoking.  That alone is enough to make me never want to pick up another cigarette.

4.  I do not get winded when I exercise or clean like I used to.  My stamina is better.

5.  I have my singing voice back.  I can hit high notes again.  And when I wake up in the morning I do not sound like a man for the first couple of hours.

6.  When I get sick I do not cough my brains out.  I still have a stuffy nose and cough occasionally.  But I don't have the hacking cough that I used to have.

7.  My car, my clothes, and my house don't smell like an ashtray.  And all the Christmas gifts that I gave away this year did not reek of cigarettes.

These are the things that I love about being a non-smoker.


Arts and Crafts at Jumping Java

So I finally convinced my best friend that he needed to start painting again, and that we both needed to spend less time on the Internet and more time doing creative things.  So every night when we go to Jumping Java now, instead of bringing our laptops Joe brings his painting supplies and I bring my crochet supplies.  We work on our projects and visit with each other.  I have finished my first project which is this beautiful circles and waves scarf.
This scarf is actually two pieces sewn together.  It is another project that I got from Interweave Crochet magazine.  It was actually very fast to make, and a lot easier than it looks.

And Joe finished his first painting this week.  Here is the first painting that he has done in a while.

I just love it when he does winter scenes.  He does very good with winter scenes.  The cabin in this picture is the perfect size compared to the trees and the river.  Good job, Joe!  Now I am just trying to convince him that he needs to start his own painting blog.  I hope he does.  When I told him that he could blog about his painting technique he looked at me like I was crazy, so I don't know if I will succeed in this.


Fancy Collar and Fingerless Gloves

I found this pattern out of Interweave Crochet Magazine.  It was very easy and fast to make.  However, it is not a cheap thing to make.  The buttons cost around sixteen dollars for this project.  For this reason alone I am probably not going to sell this one on Etsy.com.  However, if someone falls in love with this and wants it I can still make it, it just won't be very cheap.
 The other thing that I found difficult about this pattern was finding something to wear with it.  A black turtle neck would look good with this also.  However, I found it looks better with a shirt that has a pattern on it.  The shirt must have a collar on it so that there's no skin showing.
Overall, this was still a fun project to make and I might even make the gloves in blue sometime when I get the money for more buttons.


Ipod Cozy

 Here are the Ipod cozies that I just created.  Another thing that I will be selling on Etsy.com soon.  I am just trying to get a few things made before I open an account.  If you would like one of these they are $8 plus shipping and handling.  They are for an Ipod touch or an Iphone.  They were really easy to make and only took me about an hour.  I am going to make a few more in different color variations.  The one on the bottom was the first one that I made and the one on the top is the second one that I made.  The finished project will look like the one on top, in the black.


The Sweater I Made

Here is the sweater that I crocheted for my niece Lilly for Christmas.  This is the first sweater that I have ever made.  I have never crocheted anything with sleeves up to this point.  It turned out very well and fit Lilly perfect, with room to grow in to.  I am so proud of this creation.  I have to say this is the one that I am most proud of up to this point.


Book Review; "What Good Is God?" by Philip Yancey

For those of you who want a good book to read I highly suggest this book.  It answers some tough questions about Christianity.  Philip Yancey goes to where there is the most pain in the world and finds God in those places.  Places like Virginia Tech, 9-11, Communist China, the Middle East, South Africa before it was integrated and after, India, Columbine, and into the depths of alcoholism and addiction and asks the question what difference does God make?  It is eye opening and thought provoking.  I definitely recommend this book.
Also, for all of my recovering friends there is a chapter in here about why Philip Yancey wants to be an alcoholic.  I thought that this was a really cool chapter.  Another reason to read this book!


New Chain Scarf

I just finished a chain scarf for a child or a teenager.  This is the first project that I am going to post on Etsy.com.  I am so proud of this scarf.  I just think it looks fun.  I am going to give my blog readers one week to purchase this scarf before I post it on Etsy.com.  I am selling this for 25 dollars plus shipping and handling.  I still need to go to the post office and figure out what shipping and handling costs will be.  However, if you live in the area you can always pick it up and then there won't be shipping and handling costs.  So today's date is January 5, 2011.  I will wait until January 12, 2011 before I post this on Etsy.  Email me at wishes399@live.com if you are interested.